Explore the Focus Areas and Identify the Right Solution

Our expertise at your disposal for optimum design and format
We develop unique solutions to meet the specific training and coaching needs of your team and your organisation when it comes to innovation. You can mix and match the focus areas shown on this page in a number of different ways and formats: individual and team coaching, group training and workshops, master classes, keynote speech.
FOCUS AREA – Challenging the Innovation Myths and Assumptions

Innovation demystified and made accessible for everyone
Innovation is a necessity for everyone but can seem daunting. Understanding what innovation is, tackling the sometimes contradictory myths about it, and accepting that everyone can be innovative, enables you to embrace it more effectively.
FOCUS AREA – Unleash the Innovator Inside: Innovator Behaviours and Skills

Become a catalyst for innovation by behaving like an innovator
Innovation is not just for specially gifted individuals – innovators commonly share a set of skills and behaviours that can be learned and acquired, developed and reinforced. When you behave like an innovator you unleash the innovator inside yourself and in those around you.
FOCUS AREA – Harnessing the Power of the Team for Innovation

Ingredients to foster a culture of idea generation and how teams work at their best
A team dynamic that supports idea generation requires common values, beliefs and a code of conduct that together create the right pre-conditions for innovation to happen. Developing this favourable dynamic gives you all the elements you need to maximise the power of the team to drive innovation.
FOCUS AREA – Building a Culture of Bigger Thinking and Idea Generation

Growing the values, beliefs and practices that enable innovation to flourish
At times of change and uncertainty, bigger thinking and going beyond the obvious are a must. Meeting this challenge means creating a culture where organisations, teams and every individual has the potential and the opportunity to generate the kind of ideas that are necessary for innovation to happen.
FOCUS AREA – Building Blocks for Creative Fitness and the Innovative Team*

Finding new ways to enable the team to tap into their creative potential
Train creative fitness with activities and exercises that build openness, trust and confidence. Experiment and explore; find out that doing things differently is part of a learning process that makes idea generation much less intimidating, more accessible and sustainable.
*Also available for individuals who want to tap into their creative potential and are not necessarily part of a team.
FOCUS AREA – Coaching Conversations to Drive Innovation

Develop your ability to step into a coaching role in order to drive and manage the innovation process
Applying coaching skills and techniques with innovation in mind enables you to create a constructive dialogue that helps you and others to go beyond the obvious. Moreover, knowing which questions to ask when, and really listening to the answers, supports the effective management of the innovation process from beginning to end.
FOCUS AREA – A Practical Coaching Toolkit for Innovation

Make coaching your preferred communication style by switching from telling to asking
Coaching can be an integral and crucial part of driving innovation and is not just reserved for professionals. Everyone can learn to flex their coaching muscles. Acquire the good coaching habits, practices, tools and techniques that provoke bigger thinking and enable you to create the right conditions for innovation.
FOCUS AREA – Mindful Listening as a Force for Innovation

Appreciate what it means to be a good listener and the benefits this brings for innovation
Mindful listening is a way to both encourage and pick up upon good ideas. When you actively practice and enhance the key skills that underpin mindful listening, you invest in your ability to drive innovation by becoming a catalyst for idea generation.
FOCUS AREA – Make an Impact with Powerful Questions

Harness the power of your questioning skills with the intent and purpose of provoking bigger thinking
Powerful questions resonate and make people think. They are fundamental when it comes to going beyond the obvious. Asking the right question in the right way at the right time makes the all-important difference in your quest for new possibilities.
FOCUS AREA – Facilitation Skills for the Creative Team Leader

Acquire advanced techniques to promote and strengthen the creative potential of your team
Teams require a skilled facilitator to realise their full creative potential - no team is exactly like any other and the dynamic will vary according to the team’s composition and circumstances. To support them successfully in the quest for bigger thinking and new ideas, you need to be equipped with flexible and effective facilitation techniques.
FOCUS AREA – Run a Creative Team Session with Crea8.s

Apply an effective framework to guide the thinking process that leads to innovation
Setting up and running a creative team session is an effective way to respond to immediate or longer-term business challenges with more options and bigger thinking. The Crea8.s Model provides you with a sequence of clear steps and straightforward coaching questions that underpin the thinking process required for innovation.
FOCUS AREA – Coaching as a Management and Leadership Style

Become a catalyst for top performance by stepping into a coaching role
In order to stay ahead of the game in challenging times, you must tap into the knowledge, experience and intuitions of the people in your organisation. The manager who is willing and able to ask the right questions, at the right time, in the right way unlocks people’s creativity, leading them to fresh ideas, and maximises resources and performance.
FOCUS AREA – Diversity and Inclusion to Foster Innovation

Make the most of the benefits that different perspectives and approaches bring to innovation
Creating the kind of culture where the whole is more than the sum of the parts enables you to tap into the collective intelligence of the team. You will be more successful at generating ideas and more effective at managing the innovation process. Capitalise on the evidence that shows one plus one really does equal three!