Did you know that you can develop the skills and behaviours that lie at the heart of being innovative? To be more innovative, you have to have good habits and behave like an innovator. In their book The Innovator’s DNA, Dyer, Gregersen and Christensen state that ‘…innovative thinkers connect fields, problems, or ideas that others […]
When we received our authors’ copies of Coaching for Innovation earlier this week , shortly after publication on 2nd May, 2104, it was an occasion for celebration. After two years of hard but enjoyable work, our “baby” had finally arrived. All we could think of was the achievement. We savoured the moment and we are […]
Creative thinking comes in many guises and can be stimulated and encouraged in ways you might never have thought were possible. Sometimes, it is simply about doing things differently. This clip on YouTube about a time-efficient way to slice cherry tomatoes has had more than four million hits. That is a lot of energy saved […]